Nature Play For Kids

Walking Stories: Set of Three


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Purchase all 3 of our Outdoor Walking Stories and enjoy a savings.  Animal Circle Club, Birdman and Nature Heroes each have unique lessons, school standards and fun to offer.  Run all three at different times in the year.

A Set of 3 outdoor Walking Stories with different Nature Themes.  The waterproof covers make them durable for outdoor use.

Enjoy a discount when you purchase all three Walking Stories: Animal Circle Club, Birdman and Nature Heroes!

Within each book is our MAGICAL EARTH BOOK,  and the main character has the entire script at his/her fingertips- and uses it during the outing like a prop so the entire story need not be memorized.  Check the flip book image to see how easy it is to spin through the pages and have the beautiful Magical Earth Book Cover on display during the outing. The other sections of our book address in-depth topics like group management and an easy step-by-step instruction to lead an outing.  A complete overview of the simple costume and prop lists is also in the book.

If you want a truly special experience, have teens play the characters. They feel good about mentoring the younger kids while the younger kids, in addition to helping Birdman, look up to the teens. There are two levels of helping others taking place at the same time.

Weight 47.8 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 1.5 in


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